Rio de Janeiro, February 22, 2022 – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras, following up on the release
disclosed on 01/15/2021, informs that the Company’s Board of Directors, at a meeting held today,
approved the sale of its total interest (100%) in a set of 4 concessions of onshore production fields, with
integrated facilities, located in the state of Espírito Santo – ES, jointly called Norte Capixaba Cluster, to
the company Seacrest Petróleo SPE Norte Capixaba Ltda., a wholly owned subsidiary of Seacrest
Exploração e Produção de Petróleo Ltda. The signing of the sale and purchase agreement and the
subsequent steps will be disclosed to the market in due course.
The total amount of the sale is up to US$ 544 million, with (a) US$ 35.85 million paid on the date the
contract is signed; (b) US$ 442.15 million at the closing of the transaction and (c) up to US$ 66 million in
contingent payments provided for in contracts, depending on future Brent quotations. The amounts do
not consider adjustments due by the closing of the transaction, which is subject to compliance with
certain conditions precedent, such as approval by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and
Biofuels (ANP).
This disclosure complies with the Petrobras’ internal rules and with the provisions of the special
procedure for assignment of rights to exploration, development and production of oil, natural gas and
other fluid hydrocarbons, provided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
This operation is aligned with the portfolio management strategy and the improved allocation of the
company’s capital, aiming to maximize value and greater return to society. Petrobras is increasingly
concentrating its resources on deep and ultradeep water assets, where it has shown great competitive
edge over the years, producing better quality oil and with lower greenhouse gas emissions.
About Norte Capixaba Cluster
The Norte Capixaba Cluster comprises four onshore fields: Cancã, Fazenda Alegre, Fazenda São Rafael and
Fazenda Santa Luzia. The Norte Capixaba Terminal and all the production facilities contained in the ring
fence of the concessions are also part of the Cluster, besides the ownership of some lands.
The average production of the Norte Capixaba cluster in 2021 was approximately 6.5 thousand barrels of
oil per day (bpd) and 52.2 thousand m³/day of natural gas. Petrobras is the operator of these fields, with
a 100 % stake.
About Seacrest Petróleo SPE Norte Capixaba Ltda.
Seacrest Petróleo SPE Norte Capixaba Ltda. is a company focused on the redevelopment of mature and
producing fields, controlled by Seacrest Exploração e Produção de Petróleo Ltda., a closed capital
company, which has, among its main investors, the Seacrest Group.