Basin-master geological modelling identified 21 leads across a 3 billion barrel light oil play, in this energy poor OECD country with low costs and fiscal take, yet on trend with key Kurdistan, Iraq and Iranian fields.

September 2022
Calık Petrol E&P and High Power Petroleum have continued their 2D seismic data acquisition project in challenging field conditions in the Siirt area (Exploration license AR/ÇPA-HPE/M48-a1,a2,a3)
The studies are to be carried out with impulsive sources and wireless receivers on 10 lines with a total length of 200 km. With these studies, an important step will be taken to determine the oil potential of the field.
In order to reveal the petroleum potential of Türkiye in our current license areas, seismic acquisition will be carried out by Geofizyka Torun company in the wildcat project area where previously there has been no seismic exploration.
The Joint Venture’s schedule includes drilling an exploration well in 2023